So What Is A RPG?
The gaming world is a vast and really varied one, so keeping count on the types of games available is simply impossible. Still, there are distinguishable elements that help us in identifying what kind of game we are playing. These are more or less consistent throughout the years, so even if the technology evolves and gaming changes, they still remain present. One of the most popular game genres is role-playing games (RPGs), not to be confused with first person shooters (FPS). But what does this mean, what elements do they all have in common, how can we classify them, and why is it so popular? Well, here we’ll try to cover that as much as we can without getting too boring or repetitive of course. As well as later on we’ll also get into some recommendations if you’re looking to get this. But for now, let’s talk about what is a RPG for a moment.
The Basics
So, if you’ve been a gamer for a long time chances are you have played a ton of RPG games already, but nowadays it seems like the title RPG gets thrown a lot in all kinds of games. Some people have this mindset of what an RPG looks like and how it should be, but the truth is that basically any game can have RPG elements, and to understand that better we might even have to go back to tabletop games.
Tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragon were the basics of all the modern RPG gaming, and pretty much every element of those games are used in modern-day gaming. Of course, they have been adapted to the kind of game they’re on, it’s a bit rare to see games that are purely RPG nowadays, but they still exist.
These elements taken from old tabletop games are mainly things like quests, levels, character points, a “party” or team, puzzling combat, and an engaging world with missions.

Adapting Them
Even though Dungeons & Dragons was pretty big in its time, it was still aiming for a more limited audience. But games have to aim at a much bigger audience, and they have to adapt the elements of RPG to more game styles and even settings. In the early days of gaming, it was pretty common to see most, if not all, RPG games to be set in fantasy or medieval time. But now there are RPGs based in pretty much any setting possible.
Among the most popular adaptations of the genre has been the creation of Action RPG games. These are the most popular games that include the RPG mechanics, at least most of the time. But there’s also another incredible, and possibly more iconic, adaptation of the RPG, and that’s JRPG game. The way Japanese developers have worked with the genre has changed the way we understand what is RPG gaming.
How To Recognize Them
Once you start to understand what is RPG gaming it’s easy to spot them among the crown of games. But games of all genres have adapted mechanics from the RPG genre for their own style. Dungeons and quests are traditional elements of RPG games, as well as leveling up and customization.
So, now that we know what are some of the most trademark elements of RPG gaming, it’s important to note that if a game has them, it doesn’t mean they’re RPGs. For instance, games like Grand Theft Auto V have different weapons, quests, and exploration, but even with all that, it is not an RPG.
But Games like Fallout have quests, missions, levels, dungeons, character abilities, customization, and more. Yes, the fallout is actually an RPG, and in many ways, it’s more of an RPG than some of the most popular titles of the genre. While RPGs tend to tackle battles in a turn-based way, RPG games like Fallout are more and more popular by the day. Even Borderlands is actually an RPG, sure, the main gameplay mechanics are that of a first-person shooter, but the core idea of the game it features basically all the elements of an RPG.
Great RPGs to Play
Making a list that includes the best RPG titles to play would be incredibly hard, especially since there are so many and they are really varied. But we can talk about some must-plays of the genre. Even if they are not the most representative games for the genre, these titles are great to understand what is RPG gaming. But do keep in mind that these games are not for just one specific console, so with that in mind, let’s get started.
Final Fantasy VII (and the FFVII Remake):
Final Fantasy is possibly one of the first series that immediately jump to mind whenever the word RPG appears. And one of the most emblematic ones in the series, and one of the most popular too, Final Fantasy VII is one that definitely makes it into the list. It represents clearly everything the classic JRPG mechanics stand for, as well as a little more. But now it is especially relevant since we have a remake that has tweaked things a bit. Not only is the evolution of the visuals incredible from one game to another, but also the changes in the gameplay and how it has changed through the years.

Instacodez via Flickr
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:
Of course, Skyrim had to make it into this list, and one of the great things is that it has been so many times that you can play it even if you don’t have the latest console or the strongest PC. Skyrim does take you back to that traditional setting of RPG games where there’s magic, elves, knights, castles, and more. There are literally dungeons and dragons in the game, and it’s even recognized as one of the greatest games ever made. You can easily get over a hundred hours here and experiment with a different kind of RPG.
The Witcher 3
And since we’re talking about fantasy-based RPG we just couldn’t let out one of the best games of all time. The Witcher 3 is an action RPG that has everything you love about the genre, amazing music, incredible gameplay, one of the best stories, and excellent quests. The visuals and design of The Witcher 3 are unparalleled, and it even received over 800 game awards, including several Game of the Year ones. is It qualifies to be among the top 5 best games of all times with no problem, and it’s a fantasy RPG.
Persona 5 Royal
The Persona series is one of the best examples of JRPG titles, and there’s a no bigger example of this than the latest entry Persona 5 Royal. The visual style and gameplay are some of the finest examples of JRPG titles. It’s recognized to be one of the finest examples of the series and what modern JRPG games are capable of. This game added a lot of new features to the Persona series and even more hours of gameplay. One of the main things that are key for the persona series is the Social Links. These are the relationship between all the characters in the game, and this game excels at that too.
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of the Past
Dragon Quest is perhaps one of the most legendary game series of all time, in japan these titles are seen as more than just games. With some of the best art, stories, gameplay, music, and general design, they are considered to be among the greatest games of all time. And among all that greatness, this one, in particular, is probably the best of the best, so you can see that’s a pretty big deal.
Pokémon Sword/Shield
Even if you’re not a gamer, or if you have never played video games, you know what Pokémon is. It’s one of the most well-known names in the world and it’s also one of the most popular RPG game series ever. Sword & Shield are the latest entries in the series, and it’s the only entry available for the Nintendo Switch It’s one of the best selling titles for the best selling console of the moment. If you like Pokémon games, then this one is a must-play for you.
Single-player games?
Yes, RPG titles are more or less always single-player titles. But as the gaming industry continues to evolve and become more and more a social platform, so did RPGs. However, we don’t usually see the same traditional mechanics of RPGs in online gaming. But there are different ways that RPGs have adapted into becoming online games, mostly in the form of MMORPGs. So what is a MMORPG?
MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, and they are what people usually refer to when talking about online RPGs. Yes, we know that it just sounds like a bunch of characters put together. But when you think about the basics of what is a RPG, it is a little tough to make it multiplayer, however, being online makes it easier.
The advantage of making it online and not multiplayer is that you won’t be sharing the same screen, allowing for more liberty for each player. Not just that, but it also allows complete freedom of movement and exploration for all the players at any given time. It helps to create a community in the game and even create a world with more life and interaction.
These internet-based games are set in a virtual world, where every player gets the chance to have their own characters, and part on their own adventure. While they all share the same game world, missions, quests, and exploration are individual to each player.
Of course, most of them, if not all, allow you to form a party with other players online and go tackle the different quests. These MMORPGs also feature level systems and special abilities that can be upgraded. But what’s even more representative is that you usually get to pick the race or class of your character, and depending on what you pick your whole game experience is radically transformed. To form a great team, you’ll need members of different classes so you can balance out their abilities.
More accessible
One of the best things about the MMORPG is that they are really accessible for most players. Not because they are easy or simple, in fact, they mostly have a learning curve that’ll have you playing for hours so that you can really understand the mechanics. What really makes these games accessible is that most of them are free,
However, free is a really ambiguous term, as free rarely if ever means free when it comes to gaming, and especially in MMORPGs. Some of these games are free to play, others are membership-based, and some others are a one-time purchase only.
However, one thing that basically all of them have in common is that they have different kinds of microtransactions or in-game purchases with real money. But in the case of free to play games, most of the time you can play the game without ever having to pay, it’ll just be much harder.
Some recommendations
Now that we talked a little about what is a MMORPG, we still have some recommendations for you. Some of these are among the most popular online games of all time.
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is the prime representation of what a MMORPG is, and it is also one of the core pioneers of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game genre. Released back in 2004, it features all the basic elements of what we now know as MMORPG and is the inspiration for most of the games in the genre that came after that. It is easily one of the most influential games of all time. And one of the coolest things is that there are so many expansions that the content keeps on growing. via Flickr
Black Desert Online
Black Desert is a more modern and evolved title. It does feature all of the same mechanics you’ve seen in WoW, but there are many improvements. In many ways, you could even say it’s better than WoW, but there are two that are much superior, and these are User Interface and Visuals. It’s one of the best looking MMORPGs you can play right now, and the interface is so friendly that it makes the game quick to learn and fun to play.
Final Fantasy XIV: Online
Of course, there had to be a Final Fantasy game on this list too. Final Fantasy XIV is also one of the coolest games in the MMORPG world. And while the gameplay is pretty different compared to your average Final Fantasy, it’s a great example of what an RPG is. And what makes it special is that it is taken directly from the royalty of the RPG world.
Hope you learned a thing or two about what is a RPG! Comment below if think other games should’ve been included.